4G/5G Internet in USA, EU, Balkans (43+ countries)

Quick and easy installation, unlimited internet speed, 60 days validity

Activation in 60 seconds


43+ countries

  • Unlimited 4G/5G Internet

  • Packages from 1GB - Unilmited

  • 43+ countries (list below)

  • 60 days of validity from first-use

  • 1 year+ esim life

  • Great customer service

Your handset must have eSIM eligibility. To check the list of mobiles that accept eSIM, see the list here.

What do the packages include?

Data Only packages include high-speed internet throughout Europe, including Switzerland, England and Turkey.

Countries included in Data Only packages:

Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova , Montenegro, Macedonia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, England (United Kingdom), USA (America).

Data Only Packages - Unlimited:

Unlimited packages are subject to fair use as detailed in our terms of use here.

Speed for unlimited packages:

7 Day Package - 15GB with 4G/5G speed and then 1Mbit/s

15 Day Package - 20 GB with 4G/5G speed and then with 1mbit/s

30 Day Package - 30GB with 4G/5G speed, up to 60GB with 3mbit/s and over 60GB+, 1mbit/s.

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The Vodafone Super package includes 25GB of high-speed internet in 75 countries (EU, USA, Canada, Switzerland, England, Albania, Kosovo, etc.), unlimited incoming calls and SMS within the country,

accompanied by an English number +44

The O2 Super package includes 50GB of super fast internet in 48 countries (including Europe, England, Switzerland), unlimited calls within the country of residence, 500 minutes from EU to EU, unlimited incoming SMS and comes with an English O2 +44 number .

Full details on Vodafone and O2 Travel packages from SuperSIM can be found here:

Click here for the full list.

How it works:

Buy eSIM -> Check your email for the QR code -> Scan the QR code on your device -> Follow your phone's instructions to install the eSIM

Enjoy your travels!

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Steps to activate SuperSim

1. Check that your device is eSIM compatible and purchase your data plan.

Your phone must be eSIM compatible. After verification, search for your destination and purchase a data plan.

2. Follow the installation instructions

Please check the instruction email we sent you with your eSIM purchase to complete the installation and activation process.

3. Go online immediately after landing. Start using your data plan as soon as you arrive at your destination

Your phone will automatically connect to the Internet upon arrival.